Learn. Innovate. Transform. Enterprise
LITE @ Qcircle. The prepared environment for
Continual Business and Professional Education.
Empowerment and Development Series
Explore Qcircle’s prepared LITE environment
Select a Business or Professional Development Module.
All Lite programs are accredited by Qcircle and for subscription to an appropriate Consortium Plan.
Mode of Delivery:
Online or location based Seminar and Workshop, Forum and Dialogue (as directed, see specific program).
Online Consultation and Review.
Duration :
Completion of induction program.
- Session 1 : Seminar and Forum. (3 + 3 hours)
- Session 2 : Consultation on Action Plan and Application (2 hours by appointment)
- Submission of Progression Proposal on completion
( LITE Mentoring Schedule as mutually agreed between mentor and mentee.)
Delivery Mode
Online Webinar or Seminar at nearest Host’s Location
Online Dialogue or Consultation at nearest Host’s Location
A self-contracted Fulfilment Action Plan.
Practical application of select LITE Program.
Members on completion of the each level of Lite Program ( 1 to 3) can apply for an appropriate Award and subscription to a Consortium Plan. LITE (Full Enterprise Pack) is available for fast track development.