Montessori Company

Montessori Asia Council is the largest infrastructure of networked country-specific montessori education portals in Asia . It hosts and interconnects Montessori Education in over 20 countries in Asia including 34 provinces/cities in China for learning and cooperative outreach. It promotes Montessorian World Education and Fellowship. Join Montessori.Asia for recognition and shared outreach for the good.

u003cstrongu003eFlagship Programs and Activitiesu003c/strongu003e : Montessorian Education for Parents and Children, Trainers and Teachers | Schools and Clubs

u003cpu003eu003cimg class=u0022alignnone size-full wp-image-15903u0022 src=u0022 alt=u0022u0022 width=u0022211u0022 height=u0022110u0022 /u003e u003cimg class=u0022alignnone wp-image-628u0022 src=u0022 alt=u0022u0022 width=u0022259u0022 height=u002296u0022 /u003eu003cimg class=u0022alignnone wp-image-19308u0022 src=u0022 alt=u0022u0022 width=u0022232u0022 height=u0022102u0022 /u003eu003c/pu003en

u003cstrongu003e Job and Business Opportunitiesu003c/strongu003e : Montessorian Associate | Certified Montessorian Professional | Certified Montessorian Educator | Corporate Host / School

u003cstrongu003eHead start | Immediate Job and Business Affiliation at MAC. | Advance to a higher Consortium Financial Plan or select a local marketplace to suit your growth plan.  u003c/strongu003e

Progression | Qcircle Digital Growth Plan

Join as a Solution Provider or Solution Learner / Clientele. Members Partners have the privilege to create a digital value chain at the eConsortium with an allocated domain brand as their value addon portfolio. Express your interest or post to consult here

QCircle The Consortium

Qcircle is uniquely a New World eConsortium. It provides an ecommerce enabled platform for cooperative learning and doing business worldwide among networked members. It has evolved into a distinctive eConsortium Ecosystem. It now aligns members’ core competencies, products and services into one eConsortium for digitalisation growth. Qcircle provides a strategic interface between virtual and real businesses with a choice of rich domain brand in the digital marketplaces.

Job and Business Opportunities : Qcircle Consultant | Professional | Mentor | Corporate Host.

Head start | Immediate Job and Business Affiliation at Qcircle | Advance to a higher Consortium Financial Plan to suit your business plan and /or progress with a specilaty knowledge domain that suits your interest. 

Montessori Company

For Students and Parents, Teachers and Trainers, Principals and Schools. Provider of Adults and Children Education and Development. Click to select country specific domain to participate.

QCircle The Consortium

For all education, business and professional service providers / owners. The eConsortium for cooperative learning and business development. Click on image to select knowledge domain interest

BPII The Institution

For all learners and job seekers, entreprenuers and educators. The venue for intellectual and social innovation. Provider of new education, job and business development. Click to participate.

Singland SGM

For all Infocomm technologists and developers. Provider of Strategic Global Media and integrative apps to Qcircle and worldwide marketplaces. Click on image to select specialty domain to participate.

Chartered Network

For all suitably qualified persons and chartered professionals from recognised country based professional institutions. Click on image to select a specialty domain interest to participate.

Montessorian World

For all Montessorian and friends of Montessorian. Developer and Provider of Montessorian World Education and Felllowship. Click on image to select country-specific domain to participate.

Montessori Asia

For Students and Parents, Teachers and Trainers, Principals and Schools. Provider of Adults and Children Education and Development. Click to select country specific domain to participate.

Internet Clubs

For all internet users and learners, students and educators. Provider of ebizcreation program to jump start your entrepreneurial endeavours. Click on image to join or select locale for interaction

Job Creation

For all jobseekers, entreprenuers and service providers /owners. The venue for job and career development. Click on image to join for service interest interaction.

Biz Creation

For all entreprenuers and service providers. The venue for quick biz startups and strategic affiliation development. Click on image to join for business interest development.

Progression | Qcircle Digital Growth Plan

Join as a Solution Provider or Solution Learner / Clientele. Members Partners have the privilege to create a digital value chain at the eConsortium with an allocated domain brand as their value addon portfolio. Express your interest or post to consult here

BPII The Institution

BPII the Institution is an education based business and professional development hub. It supports entrepreneurial and sociogenetic endeavours of its members. The focus is on job and business creation. It features a platform for intellectual and social innovation with a Global Education and Business Development Portal to regenerate new growth. Join the team. The Institution provides participants its societal service channels for purposefully outreach.

Flagship Programs and activities : Job and Business Creation | Mentoring, Innovation and Internship

Job and Business Opportunities : Professional Associate as BPII Education Professional | Professional Consultant| Corporate Host

Head Start | Affiliate Privileges| Immediate Job and Biz Start-up with product | service line


Affiliate @ | Quick Job Induction | Inclusive of Competency Award and one year Affiliate Plan

Progression | Qcircle Digital Growth Plan

Join as a Solution Provider or Solution Learner / Clientele. Members Partners have the privilege to create a digital value chain at the eConsortium with an allocated domain brand as their value addon portfolio. Express your interest or post to consult here

Singland SGM

Singland Strategic Global Media is a media development hub, a cyberspace developer and provider of Strategic solutions to today’s digital economies.  SSGM aims to align participants’ products and services into a uniquely structured knowledge platform to meet today’s new economy challenges. Infocomm SG and E-biz SG are distinctive “Solution Gateway” and “Solution Global” application modules for the creation of new opportunities. Participants can also select a domain brand affiliation for strategic globlisation of their services.

Flagship Programs and activities :  Business Start-up to Scale-up
Job and Business Opportunities : Professional Associate | SGM Professional | SGM Specialist | Corporate Host.

Head start | Affiliate Privileges | Create immediate Job or Business | Upgrade with a choice specialty domain or to higher Consortium Financial Plan that suits your growth plan.  

Progression | Qcircle Digital Growth Plan

Join as a Solution Provider or Solution Learner / Clientele. Members Partners have the privilege to create a digital value chain at the eConsortium with an allocated domain brand as their value addon portfolio. Express your interest or post to consult here

Chartered Network

Chartered Network International (CNI) is the World’s largest integrated platform of networked chartered professionals. Chartered Network  hosts a multi-disciplinary platform of businesses and professionals. It is uniquely networked under a distinctive set of rich keyword domains as specialty portals with ready global marketplaces and for new economy challenges.

Flagship Progams and Acticities : Becoming Chartered, Globalisation for Entrepreneurs and Professionals | Specialty Consulting

Job and Business Opportunities : Professional Associate | Chartered Professional | Chartered Specialist | Corporate Host.

Head start | Immediate Affiliate Job and Business | Select a Specialty Domain or upgrade to a higher Consortium Financial Plan that suits your growth plan

Progression | Qcircle Digital Growth Plan

Join as a Solution Provider or Solution Learner / Clientele. Members Partners have the privilege to create a digital value chain at the eConsortium with an allocated domain brand as their value addon portfolio. Express your interest or post to consult here

Montessorian World

Montessorian World International holds the world’s largest infrastructure of networked country-specific montessori and montessorian portals under one learning environment. Today, it interconnects communities in over 50 countries worldwide and 34 provinces/cities in China for learning and cooperative outreach for good. It promotes Montessorian World Education and Fellowship. Join Montessorian around the world.

Flagship Programs and Activities : Becoming Montessorian, CMP and CMEd | Mentoring and Internship

Job and Business Opportunities : Montessorian Associate | Certified Montessorian Professional | Certified Montessorian Educator | Corporate Host.

Head start |  Immediate job and business Affiliate Privilege set-up | Upgrade to a higher Consortium Financial Plan or select choice country -specific domain that suits your growth plan.

Progression | Qcircle Digital Growth Plan

Join as a Solution Provider or Solution Learner / Clientele. Members Partners have the privilege to create a digital value chain at the eConsortium with an allocated domain brand as their value addon portfolio. Express your interest or post to consult here

Montessori Asia

Montessori Asia Council is the largest infrastructure of networked country-specific montessori education portals in Asia . It hosts and interconnects Montessori Education in over 20 countries in Asia including 34 provinces/cities in China for learning and cooperative outreach. It promotes Montessorian World Education and Fellowship. Join Montessori.Asia for recognition and shared outreach for the good.

Flagship Programs and Activities : Montessorian Education for Parents and Children, Trainers and Teachers | Schools and Clubs

Job and Business Opportunities : Montessorian Associate | Certified Montessorian Professional | Certified Montessorian Educator | Corporate Host / School

Head start | Immediate Job and Business Affiliation at MAC. | Advance to a higher Consortium Financial Plan or select a local marketplace to suit your growth plan. 

Progression | Qcircle Digital Growth Plan

Join as a Solution Provider or Solution Learner / Clientele. Members Partners have the privilege to create a digital value chain at the eConsortium with an allocated domain brand as their value addon portfolio. Express your interest or post to consult here

Internet Clubs

International Internet Club is a multi-faceted exchange hub. connects a chain of internet clubs. It is a platform for both business and social interaction in the sharing of ideas and regenerative endeavours among its members across the globe. It provides the space for entrepreneurial development and networking. Special e-bizcreation programs and posting privileges for students and entrepreneurs.

Flagship Programs and Activities : EbizCreation and InternetPlus | Lifestyle, Social and Business

Job and Business Opportunities : Professional Associate | Specialist Associate | Professional Consultant| Corporate Host.

Flagship Programs and Activities : EbizCreation and InternetPlus | Lifestyle, Social and Business

Job and Business Opportunities : Professional Associate | Specialist Associate | Professional Consultant| Corporate Host.

Head start | Immediate Job and Business Affiliate set-up @ InternetClub. Advance to higher Consortium Financial Plan or choose a location specific domain that suits your growth plan.

Progression | Qcircle Digital Growth Plan

Join as a Solution Provider or Solution Learner / Clientele. Members Partners have the privilege to create a digital value chain at the eConsortium with an allocated domain brand as their value addon portfolio. Express your interest or post to consult here

Job Creation is a societal service channel of  BPII Organisation.  It is an interactive  platform  for all to explore and consult for new opportunities in today’s digital economies.  BPII is dedicated to building a new world consortium @ Qcircle and creation of jobs and businesses worldwide. Advance with the Consortium Plan.

Job and Business Opportunities : Professional Associate | Qcircle Professional | Consultant| Mentor | Corporate Host.

Head start | Immediate Job and Business Affiliation at The JobCreation Company | Advance to a higher Consortium Financial Plan to suit your business plan.   

Progression | Qcircle Digital Growth Plan

Join as a Solution Provider or Solution Learner / Clientele. Members Partners have the privilege to create a digital value chain at the eConsortium with an allocated domain brand as their value addon portfolio. Express your interest or post to consult here

Biz Creation is a societal service channel of  BPII Organisation.  It is an interactive  platform  for all to explore and consult on new opportunities in today’s digital led economy.  Dedicated to building a new world consortium @ Qcircle and induct participants to be part of its eConsortium Ecosystem for growth together. Advance with the Consortium Plan.

Job and Business Opportunities : Professional Associate | Qcircle Professional | Consultant| Mentor | Corporate Host.

>> Immediate job and Business Affiliate Start-up  or upgrade to a higher Consortium Financial Plan to suit your business plan.  

Progression | Qcircle Digital Growth Plan

Join as a Solution Provider or Solution Learner / Clientele. Members Partners have the privilege to create a digital value chain at the eConsortium with an allocated domain brand as their value addon portfolio. Express your interest or post to consult here
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