Montessori Asia Council is the largest infrastructure of networked country-specific montessori education portals in Asia . It hosts and interconnects Montessori Education in over 20 countries in Asia including 34 provinces/cities in China for learning and cooperative outreach. It promotes Montessorian World Education and Fellowship. Join Montessori.Asia for recognition and shared outreach for the good.
u003cstrongu003eFlagship Programs and Activitiesu003c/strongu003e : Montessorian Education for Parents and Children, Trainers and Teachers | Schools and Clubs
u003cpu003eu003cimg class=u0022alignnone size-full wp-image-15903u0022 src=u0022https://infocomm.ph/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/CCLP_web_211x110.gifu0022 alt=u0022u0022 width=u0022211u0022 height=u0022110u0022 /u003e u003cimg class=u0022alignnone wp-image-628u0022 src=u0022https://infocomm.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Becoming-Montessorian.jpgu0022 alt=u0022u0022 width=u0022259u0022 height=u002296u0022 /u003eu003cimg class=u0022alignnone wp-image-19308u0022 src=u0022https://infocomm.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/cclublogotm.jpgu0022 alt=u0022u0022 width=u0022232u0022 height=u0022102u0022 /u003eu003c/pu003en
u003cstrongu003e Job and Business Opportunitiesu003c/strongu003e : Montessorian Associate | Certified Montessorian Professional | Certified Montessorian Educator | Corporate Host / School
u003cstrongu003eHead start | Immediate Job and Business Affiliation at MAC. | Advance to a higher Consortium Financial Plan or select a local marketplace to suit your growth plan. u003c/strongu003e